Summer 2019 Recap
With summer ending, Avantes US wishes farewell to James Schultz, our 2019 summer intern. James will be a junior in the engineering department at CU Boulder this fall, but he spent the summer working with us on several exciting engineering projects.
Dual-Channel Housing
One of James’ projects was a dual-channel housing. This housing combines the AvaSpec Mini and Avalight Hal-S Mini to a compact and versatile system. It allows for access and communication to all external ports and indicators. It works great as a small desktop unit to facilitate any spectral measurements. James also had the opportunity to begin designing a customer-specific Dual Channel Housing which has a few more capabilities integrated into its design. It is specialized for thin film measurements and includes a sample holder with a reflection probe as well as an adjustable sample cover.
Inline Filter Holder
The In-Line Filter Holder, as the name suggests, is a filter holder that facilitates the introduction of square, round ½” or 1” filters into an optical path to provide for wavelength blocking or attenuation in any optical setup. Its unique compression plate provides a secure way of stabilizing any filter in the optical path.
Transmission Reflection Stage
The Transmission Reflection stage is a product that can effectively aid in any transmission or reflection measurements. Its main feature is the primary stage which exhibits numerous functions such as holding a sample, securing reflection probes at both 45- and 90-degree angles, creating effective transmission measurements with two accurately placed collimating lens, and lastly a holder specifically designed for a cosine corrector. Additional features designed for the TR Stage include a 3D printed Light Trap to block out ambient light, an integrating sphere adapter that lines up optically with the collimating lens, and an angular fiber holder adapter for use with the AFH-15.
In James’ Words
James enjoyed the AvaLife with us this summer, here’s what he had to say:
“Throughout the course of this summer and my time as an Engineering Intern, I had the opportunity to not only learn a lot about spectroscopy and optics, but also work on some really exciting and fun projects. This summer brought me great challenges and lots to learn from. It was really cool going through design iterations with the team and seeing my products come to fruition. It’s not often you are able to see a project all the way through, but the team here was really helpful in making this happen. I was able to learn a lot about product design, spectroscopy, and part manufacturing. Overall, it was an amazing summer filled with lots of learning, lots of fun and great people. I am very thankful for this opportunity and experience. “
Wishing James a Successful Future
James did a fantastic job with us this summer and we couldn’t be happier with the work he did on our summer design projects. We wish James all the best as he returns to the University, and we’re certain this young engineer has a bright future ahead of him.