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An Attenuator allows light intensity to be reduced and helps in situations where detector saturation is an issue. It is attached to the light source using an SMA connector to couple to other measurement devices and your spectrometer.

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Product Overview

Direct-attach Fiber-optic Attenuator

When light intensity has to be reduced, the direct-attached attenuator is a great choice with your AvaLight series light sources. The attenuator helps in situations where detector saturation is an issue. It is attached to the light source and has an SMA connector to couple to other measurement devices and your spectrometer. The attenuation can be set from 0-100%, which can be fixed with set screws. It is supplied with a UV/VIS/NIR collimating lens.

In-Line Fiber Optic Attenuator

For all UV-VIS-NIR applications and ATT-INL-EXT setups where light intensity has to be reduced, Avantes offers the inline fiber-optic attenuator (ATT-INL-EXT) and the direct attached fiber-optic attenuator (ATT-DA). This device is an iris attenuator which controls light throughput to avoid detector saturation. The ATT-INL-EXT is coupled between two SMA terminated fiber-optic cables, whereas the ATT-DA can be connected directly to the light source. Both devices consist of two UV/VIS/NIR collimating lenses mounted on either side of an adjustable iris. The attenuation can be set from 0-100% and can be fixed with a set screw.



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