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Using the StoreToRam Function in Avasoft 8

Posted on: December 28th, 2023


In the field of spectroscopy, measurement time can vary widely. Some applications may require measurements that take multiple seconds, such as Raman or fluorescence measurements, while other techniques need time resolutions on the order of milliseconds, as is the case with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. When measurement times start to approach microseconds, communication time between the spectrometer and computer can start to become a factor and cause issues resolving the measurement time in such a small window. To combat this issue, Avantes spectrometers are equipped with a StoreToRAM function that allows a set amount of data to be stored on the instrument’s onboard RAM, which is then sent to the computer after all of the measurements are taken. This ensures high-speed measurements are taken without being slowed down by communication time between the spectrometer and computer. Below is a short guide on using the StoreToRAM function in AvaSoft 8.

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