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Ava-6Pack Multi-channel Housing

Posted on: May 27th, 2021

The AvaSpec-Mini 6 pack is a multi-channel housing for the AvaSpec Compactline instruments.  The 6-pack can be used to house up to 6 of the AvaSpec-Mini2048CL, AvaSpec-Mini4096CL and the AvaSpec-Mini-NIR.  The multi-channel housing is ideal for industrial process control applications where up to 6 redundant spectrometer channels can be used to monitor processes.  Customers working with multi-channel arrayed spectrometers systems such as those working with optical emission spectroscopy or laser induced breakdown spectroscopy may prefer the 6-pack housing option to having up to six  individual spectrometers in their operating environment.  The 6 pack enables synchronous or asynchronous operation of the spectrometer channels.  Avantes offers a variety of fiber optic options to couple individual fibers or bundles (up to 6-furcated) for light coupling into the 6 pack.

Product Specifications

Dimensions: 254 X 216 X 114 mm

Capacity: 6 AvaSpec-Mini spectrometer (including AvaSpec-Mini-NIR)



12V power supply (included)

HD 26 connection for external triggering

Ordering Information: Only Available in North America

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